TAGS: Viral News Viral Photos
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Reading on tablets
and laptops may
change the way you
Mother of quintuplets
By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |
Published on:May 13, 2016 6:28 am
Kim Tucci — who gave birth to quintuplets in
January — requires 150 volunteers for about 50
nappy changes and 40 bottle feeds each day.
Kim Tucci — who gave birth to quintuplets in
January 2016 — has released pictures from a
photo shoot of her babies. Believe it or not,
Keith, Ali, Penelope, Tiffany and Beatrix were
conceived naturally — a one in 55 million
She, in fact, gave birth to them in just 2 minutes,
assisted by a team of 50 doctors and nurses.
Tucci told an Australian current affairs
programme, 60 Minutes, that her body was
shutting off during the pregnancy. Due to
mounting health risks to both her and her yet-to-
be-born children, she was initially given a choice
of saving two babies, while terminating the
others. “No-one thought I could do it, and I did, I
showed everyone in my life,”
TAGS: Viral News Viral Photos
Next Story
Reading on tablets
and laptops may
change the way you
Mother of quintuplets
By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |
Published on:May 13, 2016 6:28 am
Kim Tucci — who gave birth to quintuplets in
January — requires 150 volunteers for about 50
nappy changes and 40 bottle feeds each day.
Kim Tucci — who gave birth to quintuplets in
January 2016 — has released pictures from a
photo shoot of her babies. Believe it or not,
Keith, Ali, Penelope, Tiffany and Beatrix were
conceived naturally — a one in 55 million
She, in fact, gave birth to them in just 2 minutes,
assisted by a team of 50 doctors and nurses.
Tucci told an Australian current affairs
programme, 60 Minutes, that her body was
shutting off during the pregnancy. Due to
mounting health risks to both her and her yet-to-
be-born children, she was initially given a choice
of saving two babies, while terminating the
others. “No-one thought I could do it, and I did, I
showed everyone in my life,”